Water is pretty important stuff—it makes up about 70% of the Earth’s surface and, more importantly, about 60% of the human body. So if we already have so much water in us, why’s it so important to get eight 8-ounce glasses a day? From weight loss to better skin to better overall health, discover why drinking more water is the ultimate healthy practice.
1. Maintain Your Balance
Since we’re all mostly made of water, it’s important to stay hydrated to keep our bodies keep doing what they’re supposed to do. When we keep our water intake up, it helps move nutrients around our bodies, aids in digestion and circulation, and keeps our temperature stable.
2. Control Calories
Drinking an extra glass or two of water won’t help you magically shed those extra winter layers…but studies have shown that, over time, it can help with weight loss. Drink a glass when you’re feeling hungry and before meals. It’ll help you feel full, and it may even boost your metabolism.
3. Fuel Your Workouts
There are so many sports drinks out there that make big claims—but plain water gets the job done just fine. It’ll keep your muscles, joints, and organs hydrated and regulate your body’s temperature. When you stay well-hydrated during your workout, you prevent your joints and muscles from getting stiff, and it’ll give you extra energy.
4. Give Your Skin a Healthy Glow
When you’re dehydrated, your skin may look dull, dry, and wrinkled. Just like the rest of your body, your skin is made up of cells that need water to function. When you rehydrate, you’ll see improvement: your skin will look supple, fresh, and healthy. Plus, it can even help with those little breakouts we all get occasionally!
5. Stay Focused
Dehydrated you is just about as fun as hangry you. When your water level is low, you start to feel tired, distracted, and even cranky. When those feelings start to hit, reach for your water bottle. Afterwards, you’ll feel refreshed, recharged, and your performance will get a boost.
6. Cure Headaches
When we’re feeling less than great, it’s easy to reach for the pain killers—but they could just be masking the symptoms. Dehydration can actually cause headaches and migraines, so reach for your water bottle instead.

7. Stay healthy
At this point, you know that water has TONS of benefits—but did you know it can also help prevent disease? Drinking eight glasses a day can help stave off arthritis, depression, insomnia, and even the common cold. So when your coworker comes to work with a case of the sniffles, head to the water cooler and give your immune system a little boost.
8. Save Money
There’s no denying that sugary drinks are expensive. Just one 12-ounce can of soda costs (on average) 31¢*, and the average American household spends about $850 on soft drinks.† By contrast, tap water costs next to nothing…only about 0.002¢ per gallon.** Think of how much money you’d save!
9. Improve Digestion
From start to finish, the entire digestive process is made better by water. Drinking water with your meals can help you feel full faster, and it helps your kidneys and colon work their very best.

† http://business.time.com/2012/01/23/how-much-you-spend-each-year-on-coffee-gas-christmas-pets-beer-and-more/
** http://www.marketplace.org/2009/08/13/sustainability/greenwash-brigade/answering-your-questions-bottled-water-vs-soda